Publication : Of Wolf Siberian Song
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Chien Siberian Husky Lives in you Of Wolf Siberian Song

Of Wolf Siberian Song

Informations sur le chien

  • Sexe


  • Né le 24/07/2015

    9 an et 7 mois

  • Couleur


  • Puce


Propriétaire et producteur

Les parents

Dardevil of Nordic Forest
Dardevil of Nordic Forest
Grand père
CH. Vandame of Nordic Forest
CH. Vandame of Nordic Forest
Grand mère
CH. Pretty woman of Nordic Forest
CH. Pretty woman of Nordic Forest
Grand père
CH. torquemada's A bit more up andré
CH. torquemada's A bit more up andré
Grand mère
CH. Diandra dite djenna Of Settler's Bay
CH. Diandra dite djenna Of Settler's Bay
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